Rentable Items

Rentable Items Procedures
Resident must give 30-day notice for cancellation.
$50 fee applies if parking SP card is not returned.
All vehicles parking on the property must possess a valid parking permit issued by Management. Parking permits will only be issued to current residents.
All parking permits are for the use of the vehicle to which it was issued. Transfer to another vehicle will render the permit invalid and subject the vehicle to towing. Should you sell your vehicle, please remove the parking permit and return it to the Management Office. If you purchase a vehicle, please contact Management to acquire a new permit which will be issued for that vehicle.
Vehicles must be kept in good working order and must be safe to the public. No automobiles that are improperly licensed, improperly registered, or derelict (in the opinion of Management) will be permitted on site and will be towed at the risk and expense of the vehicle’s owner.
Parking must be in marked areas intended for resident permit parking. Parking in fire lanes, sidewalks, oil delivery points, planting areas, reserved spaces, and the like may result in the towing of a vehicle.
Except for changing a flat tire or jump-starting a stalled vehicle, no mechanical work of any type is permitted on the property (oil change, brake work, exhaust repair, etc.).
Vehicles are not to be washed on the property.
During a snow emergency, additional parking restrictions may be put into place, depending on the amount of snow and/or duration of the storm. All vehicles on property must be cleaned of snow and moved within (8) eight hours of a storm, unless otherwise specified by Management, in order for snow removal to clean the parking lot.
It may be occasionally necessary for Management to block off areas of parking lots, limit areas of parking, and/or require residents to move their cars for maintenance, construction, snow removal, or other operational issues pertaining to the buildings and grounds. Management reserves the right to alter, modify, or remove parking privileges upon notice to residents. Residents are required to respect and comply with these limitations. Noncompliance may result in a vehicle being towed at the owner's risk and expense.
The tenant shall indemnify and hold the landlord harmless from any injury, loss, or damage to personal property on the parking areas, the ways, approaches, and exits thereto caused by or resulting from use by the tenant or the tenant’s visitors, guests, contractors, agents, licensees, servants, and the like and not caused by the negligence of the landlord.
For further procedures please see resident lease. If applicant has questions or does not understand procedures, please consult with the Leasing Office.